Amina fled Afghanistan during one of the country’s worst humanitarian disasters. She reunited with her husband and his family in Australia, but the sudden disruption brought immense challenges. The services provided to Amina struggled to address the numerous traumatic issues and essential settlement needs, which were made worse by language barriers and low self-esteem. Amina’s mental health issues were worsened by the stresses of a temporary visa she obtained during the evacuation process.
Client Situation
Amina’s complex circumstances, compounded by mental health issues, low self-confidence and trauma, made it difficult for services to connect with her. Despite having treatment with a General Practitioner, she showed no signs of recovery.
Through trauma-informed care and advocacy, the settlement practitioner addressed her central fears relating to her temporary visa. Proving her past record was a significant barrier, requiring a Dubai police check. Amina had previously fled a violent relationship in Dubai before returning to Afghanistan. Her lawyer had stalled her visa application due to the police check requirement, which she couldn’t obtain due to language barriers and lost documents.
Our case manager followed up Amina’s stalled visa application with the UAE Consulate and other authorities but faced obstacles due to her lack of ID. Given she was unable to obtain a police check, the case manager provided evidence to the Department of Home Affairs to request a waiver for this requirement. Navigating these complex systems was a key barrier for improving Amina’s situation.

Successful visa grant
With assistance from her case manager, Amina completed the documentation required for her visa. The Department then waived the requirement for a UAE police check and granted her a partner visa within a few weeks.

Increased self-esteem and improved mental health
Amina expressed relief to her case manager, noting that she was sleeping better at night and experienced fewer headaches.

Access to education
Amina is keen to pursue a career in nursing. Her case manager has supported her to understand the educational pathways available through Tafe and University courses.

Motivation to attend English classes
Amina is attending English classes and is hopeful to advance to level 1 of English next year.

Increased independence to seek employment
The Settlement Engagement and Transition Support program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs.