Our Client Charter

Our Client Charter outlines our commitment to the communities and people that we work alongside.

Our Client Charter outlines our commitment to the communities and people that we work alongside. In line with our vision, purpose and values, we strive to ensure our clients are supported and know their rights and responsibilities.

Our commitment

We are committed to social justice and equal access for all and commit to providing a range of quality services which:

  • Provide culturally safe, fair and equitable access to services and support in the language of the person’s choice
  • Treat you with respect, courtesy and cultural sensitivity
  • Be fair and reasonable and provide services in a non-judgmental manner
  • Give you clear, accurate and relevant information or help you find it
  • Deliver services through trained staff, volunteers and students
  • Make timely and appropriate referrals to specialist services or agencies
  • Encourage and support you to make your own decisions and take actions on your own behalf so you can develop skills for the future.

Client rights

Clients have the right to:

  • Be treated with sensitivity, courtesy and respect at all times in a safe environment free from harm and abuse
  • Receive free and confidential services
  • Have services provided in a culturally sensitive manner, with interviews conducted in the language of the client’s choice
  • Make their own decisions
  • Not provide their name or personal details and will be informed of how this may affect the service we provide or they receive
  • Bring a person or advocate to support you.

Client responsibilities

Client’s responsibilities are:

  • To keep appointments, or at least give 24 hours of notice of cancellation
  • Treat staff and other clients with respect and courtesy
  • Discuss with a staff member or manager any concerns you may have about the service you have received
  • Tell us if you have any particular needs so we can accommodate them.

How to make a complaint

If clients have a complaint or comment about our service, we want to know about it. This gives us the opportunity to improve our services. Comments or complaints can be made in person or in writing at one of our centres.

More information

You can download our Client Charter Client Charter.