Category Archives: Case Studies

John looks ahead to a debt-free future

Overview John is a 23-year-old single male recovering from drug addiction and struggling with mental health. He has been drug-free for the past nine months and continues to seek support for his mental health. John lives at his grandparents’ home in Melbourne’s outer south-east, and his grandmother supports his rehabilitation efforts. John is studying for…

Mischa builds her financial independence

Overview Mischa is a single mother of three who lost her job while experiencing family violence perpetrated by her 16-year-old son and former partner. Previously, she was employed in a full-time professional role, but when her relationship became abusive, she could not keep her job. As a result, Mischa was experiencing financial hardship and an…

Soni builds her confidence and gets her first job in Australia

Overview Soni is a 52-year-old Sri-Lankan woman who arrived in Australia in 2016 on a partner visa. Since arriving in Australia, Soni had not been able to find a suitable and stable job despite strong English skills and work experience in Sri Lanka. As a result, Soni was working for cash-in-hand jobs without stable hours,…

Zamina finds culturally-informed support to recover from family violence

Overview Zamina is a 30-year-old woman from Afghan background who arrived in Australia with her husband in 2017 on a partner visa and was later granted a permanent visa. She does not speak English and has three children under 10 years of age. The family experienced physical and emotional abuse by multiple perpetrators including the…